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Infrared video by latorre / Translucence of clothes using IR filter

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Infrared video by latorre / Translucence of clothes using IR filter

Year of production: 2016-2018
Genre: Voyeur
Duration: Varies

Описание: Решил скачать и поделиться с вами очень интересными роликами от автора latorre с thecandidforum.com. Он использует в своих роликах специальный ИК-фильтр, благодаря которому можно получше разглядеть нижнее бельё у девушек через одежду.
"infrared waves are not x-rays: IR shooting needs special equipment. normal cameras have an IR filter that blocks the full light spectrum.
when you modify one or buy special lens, you're doing the same thing.
instead of choosing to see the visible light waves, you go for the ones with lenght above 700nm (the upper limit of the human eye).
in my case, I use a 950nm filter (it's for the sunlight). it means I block all the waves below 950nm. you're not seeing them in my videos.
you can understand better with this image (0.7 micrometers are 700 nanometers)." (c) latorre

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Формат видео: MP4, M4V

